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GINI Advice App: Benefits Of Working With A Coach Or Consultant

consulting meeting

Before joining the GINI expert advice provider app company's team, I was fortunate enough to have worked with a number of coaches and consultants over the years in my own respect. In fact, I consider myself to be one as well. For me personally, working with a coach or consultant is a vital step in my personal development process. It helps me to move beyond where I am at any given time and get focused on where I want to go next.

If you’re like me, your career has involved a lot of self-directed learning. You’ve probably picked up some tricks along the way and learned from your mistakes. But sometimes it helps to have someone else bring a different perspective to the table. That’s where working with an outside coach or consultant can be really helpful for your career. Here are some reasons why:

They can help you identify what to focus on.

They can take a step back and look at the big picture, helping you prioritize tasks and identify which ones are most important to focus on.

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They can help you determine how to set priorities.

Because we’re all so busy, it can be hard to figure out what needs to be done first. Your coach or consultant will help you get clear on your top priorities, based on your goals and values. Depending on their experience, they may also be able to help you with something like project planning or time management.

They can help you get out of your own head.

You are not the only one who can help you.

A lot of times, we’re so close to our problems or ideas that we can’t see them clearly. We lose perspective on where things stand and become too emotionally invested in one particular outcome or idea. A good coach will give you a fresh perspective, helping you see your situation from an outside point of view and make decisions based on solid data rather than gut instinct alone.

In addition to this, some people just need someone else there to help them think through their issues out loud (or in writing), which is also incredibly valuable when it comes down to it—just because we know what we want doesn’t mean our brain is prepared for how to get it!

They have perspective and experience that can help you avoid mistakes.

If you've worked with other people in the past, you probably know that there are some things they can do that are beyond your abilities.

This benefit applies not only to mistakes but also to opportunities. Coaches and consultants have access to information—and contacts—that most people don't, which gives them a leg up when it comes time for decision-making.

They can help you estimate the time and cost of a task.

When you're working on a project, it can be hard to estimate how long a task will take and how much it will cost. This is where a coach or consultant can help. They can help you estimate time and cost for your task by asking questions like:

  • How long do you think this task will take?

  • How much money do you want to spend on this task?

  • How much time do you have left before the deadline?

They can guide you through the process without taking away your autonomy.

You can relax, knowing that your coach or consultant will work with you on an individual basis to help with your unique situation. They won’t try to tell you how to do it yourself, and they won’t insist on being involved in every step of the process. They will simply guide you through the steps and keep things moving along at a good pace while maintaining a healthy team dynamic.

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They are accustomed to working in the context of limited resources.

A coach or consultant is accustomed to working in the context of limited resources. They understand that they have a certain amount of money and time, and they have to make the most of it.

They understand that their clients will not be able to pay for all the services that are needed for success. They know what needs to be done, who can do those things, and where to find them.

They know how to prioritize tasks so that you achieve your goals as effectively as possible without wasting too much time or money on unnecessary tasks like unnecessary meetings or projects that won’t lead directly towards your goal.

For example, when we asked GINI Advice Provider Darryl Haberman (Former Director of & Disney Streaming Services) some of the biggest challenges he has faced throughout his career & how he handled them, he replied:

"I didn't always have a tremendous amount of resources. I had to be resourceful. So the curveballs were trying to find people on my team that I can trust and work with.

And I was able to, you know, be that mentor. Or that guide that can, you know, help steer them away from some choppy waters."

Working with an outside coach or consultant can bring structure, support, and accountability to your projects.

  • Coaches and consultants can help you focus on your goals.

  • They can help you avoid getting stuck in your own head.

  • They can help you set priorities.

  • Their perspective and experience is valuable when it comes to avoiding mistakes that would otherwise be costly or time-consuming (or both).

  • If a task seems too big or complicated to estimate on your own, coaches provide estimates based on their expertise in the area at hand—they know what it takes to complete a project like yours!


When you’re working on a project and you start to wonder if it’s worth it, remember that there are people out there who can help. They can give you perspective, hold you accountable and help you identify what needs doing next. Working with an outside coach or consultant can bring structure, support, and accountability to your projects.

GINI | Get Help from Experts, Coaches, and Consultants

Download GINI directly from on the Google Play Store or App Store for your personal coaching or consulting needs - with trusted quality assurance feedback from GINI App User Testers & the Expert Advice Providers themselves.  

GINI: Get Expert Advice On The App Store

GINI: Get Expert Advice On The Google Play Store

Interested in providing GINI Expert Advice Services? visit the GINI advice platform website for more information on becoming a GINI Advice Expert Provider - or inquire with us directly at [email protected]  

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Follow us on our socials for more GINI Advice Expert Provider updates + company news - ! 

GINI: TikTok @businessstrategylevels | GINI: LinkedIn Page | GINI: Facebook Page 

Written by TJ McHugh, head of content at GINI

The Gini Group, 2023

consulting meeting

Before joining the GINI expert advice provider app company's team, I was fortunate enough to have worked with a number of coaches and consultants over the years in my own respect. In fact, I consider myself to be one as well. For me personally, working with a coach or consultant is a vital step in my personal development process. It helps me to move beyond where I am at any given time and get focused on where I want to go next.

If you’re like me, your career has involved a lot of self-directed learning. You’ve probably picked up some tricks along the way and learned from your mistakes. But sometimes it helps to have someone else bring a different perspective to the table. That’s where working with an outside coach or consultant can be really helpful for your career. Here are some reasons why:

They can help you identify what to focus on.

They can take a step back and look at the big picture, helping you prioritize tasks and identify which ones are most important to focus on.

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They can help you determine how to set priorities.

Because we’re all so busy, it can be hard to figure out what needs to be done first. Your coach or consultant will help you get clear on your top priorities, based on your goals and values. Depending on their experience, they may also be able to help you with something like project planning or time management.

They can help you get out of your own head.

You are not the only one who can help you.

A lot of times, we’re so close to our problems or ideas that we can’t see them clearly. We lose perspective on where things stand and become too emotionally invested in one particular outcome or idea. A good coach will give you a fresh perspective, helping you see your situation from an outside point of view and make decisions based on solid data rather than gut instinct alone.

In addition to this, some people just need someone else there to help them think through their issues out loud (or in writing), which is also incredibly valuable when it comes down to it—just because we know what we want doesn’t mean our brain is prepared for how to get it!

They have perspective and experience that can help you avoid mistakes.

If you've worked with other people in the past, you probably know that there are some things they can do that are beyond your abilities.

This benefit applies not only to mistakes but also to opportunities. Coaches and consultants have access to information—and contacts—that most people don't, which gives them a leg up when it comes time for decision-making.

They can help you estimate the time and cost of a task.

When you're working on a project, it can be hard to estimate how long a task will take and how much it will cost. This is where a coach or consultant can help. They can help you estimate time and cost for your task by asking questions like:

  • How long do you think this task will take?

  • How much money do you want to spend on this task?

  • How much time do you have left before the deadline?

They can guide you through the process without taking away your autonomy.

You can relax, knowing that your coach or consultant will work with you on an individual basis to help with your unique situation. They won’t try to tell you how to do it yourself, and they won’t insist on being involved in every step of the process. They will simply guide you through the steps and keep things moving along at a good pace while maintaining a healthy team dynamic.

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They are accustomed to working in the context of limited resources.

A coach or consultant is accustomed to working in the context of limited resources. They understand that they have a certain amount of money and time, and they have to make the most of it.

They understand that their clients will not be able to pay for all the services that are needed for success. They know what needs to be done, who can do those things, and where to find them.

They know how to prioritize tasks so that you achieve your goals as effectively as possible without wasting too much time or money on unnecessary tasks like unnecessary meetings or projects that won’t lead directly towards your goal.

For example, when we asked GINI Advice Provider Darryl Haberman (Former Director of & Disney Streaming Services) some of the biggest challenges he has faced throughout his career & how he handled them, he replied:

"I didn't always have a tremendous amount of resources. I had to be resourceful. So the curveballs were trying to find people on my team that I can trust and work with.

And I was able to, you know, be that mentor. Or that guide that can, you know, help steer them away from some choppy waters."

Working with an outside coach or consultant can bring structure, support, and accountability to your projects.

  • Coaches and consultants can help you focus on your goals.

  • They can help you avoid getting stuck in your own head.

  • They can help you set priorities.

  • Their perspective and experience is valuable when it comes to avoiding mistakes that would otherwise be costly or time-consuming (or both).

  • If a task seems too big or complicated to estimate on your own, coaches provide estimates based on their expertise in the area at hand—they know what it takes to complete a project like yours!


When you’re working on a project and you start to wonder if it’s worth it, remember that there are people out there who can help. They can give you perspective, hold you accountable and help you identify what needs doing next. Working with an outside coach or consultant can bring structure, support, and accountability to your projects.

GINI | Get Help from Experts, Coaches, and Consultants

Download GINI directly from on the Google Play Store or App Store for your personal coaching or consulting needs - with trusted quality assurance feedback from GINI App User Testers & the Expert Advice Providers themselves.  

GINI: Get Expert Advice On The App Store

GINI: Get Expert Advice On The Google Play Store

Interested in providing GINI Expert Advice Services? visit the GINI advice platform website for more information on becoming a GINI Advice Expert Provider - or inquire with us directly at [email protected]  

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Follow us on our socials for more GINI Advice Expert Provider updates + company news - ! 

GINI: TikTok @businessstrategylevels | GINI: LinkedIn Page | GINI: Facebook Page 

Written by TJ McHugh, head of content at GINI

The Gini Group, 2023

Joshua Chestang
Joshua Chestang

Don't worry. Be happy. Live freely. Work truly.

Joshua Chestang
Joshua Chestang

Don't worry. Be happy. Live freely. Work truly.

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