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Mastering Mind and Body: Coach Jared Tavasolian’s Life-Changing Approach To Health

health coach mastering mind and body for fitness, health, wellbeing and weight loss.

Navigating the complex landscape of health and wellness requires more than just surface-level solutions. That's why we sat down with Jared Tavasolian, a distinguished health coach who brings a depth of understanding to the field. With a background that spans from personal training to holistic health coaching, Jared's insights offer a much-needed perspective in an industry often overwhelmed with contradictory advice. His approach is not just about achieving fitness goals but encompasses a comprehensive understanding of how emotional and mental health intertwines with physical well-being. In this interview, Jared opens up about his methodology, offering practical and insightful guidance for anyone seeking a more rounded approach to health.

Could you start by telling us about your background and experience as a health coach?

Jared T.: I began as a personal trainer, and through my journey, I realized a crucial aspect – being physically fit doesn't necessarily mean being healthy. At 18, I did the Iron Man in California, a feat of strength and endurance, yet I struggled with health issues, especially digestive problems. This discrepancy led me to understand the difference between external fitness and internal health. Between ages 18 to 28, my focus shifted to learning about holistic health, not just looking fit but feeling good internally. As a health coach, I've seen many people in the fitness industry grapple with this same issue – their physical appearance doesn't align with how they feel inside. My goal is to help bridge this gap, educating people about the importance of overall health, not just physical fitness.

What inspired you to become a health coach?

Jared T.: The main driver was the confusion and disempowerment I observed in western medicine. I wanted to create a space where health was demystified and made accessible, where people felt empowered to take control of their health journey. The goal was to offer a simpler understanding of health, as I believe simplicity leads to better comprehension and empowerment.

Can you elaborate on your coaching philosophy?

Jared T.: Absolutely. My philosophy centers around simplicity and self-empowerment in healing. I've noticed a common trend where individuals look for external solutions to their health issues. Instead, I focus on fostering self-awareness and encouraging internal healing processes. Drawing inspiration from experts like Gabor Mate, I emphasize emotional health and the importance of reconnecting with one's own body. It’s about understanding that health is an ongoing journey, and self-awareness is key to adapting to our changing needs.

How do you define self-awareness in this context, and how can one cultivate it?

Jared T.: Self-awareness, to me, is the ability to recognize and understand one’s feelings and the signals our bodies give us. It's an essential component of maintaining health, as it's always evolving based on our daily needs and experiences. In today’s fast-paced world, people often lose touch with this internal connection, getting caught up in routines and neglecting their own well-being. Cultivating self-awareness requires slowing down, paying attention to how we feel, and understanding the underlying needs these feelings indicate.


What are your thoughts on the traditional wellness industry, and how does your approach differ?

Jared T.: The wellness industry, much like Western medicine, often leans towards quick fixes – supplements, generic diets, and one-size-fits-all solutions. These approaches fail to address the individual's lifestyle and unique circumstances. My approach differs in that it's about changing the environment that contributed to the illness in the first place. It emphasizes understanding the whole picture – the nervous system, daily habits, and personal life circumstances – and tailoring solutions to fit the individual.

Can you discuss common mental health struggles that impede physical health?

Jared T.: One of the biggest issues I see is the failure to take personal time and maintain boundaries. People are inundated with a barrage of health routines and feel pressured to do more, leading to overwhelm. The key isn't adding more to one's plate but recognizing moments of overwhelm and stepping back to allow space for healing. The health industry has, in many ways, overcomplicated what it means to be healthy.

In the face of the constant conflicting nutritional advice that we’re bombarded with online, how do you guide your clients?

Jared T.: The first step I recommend is disconnecting from the maze of conflicting nutritional information. When clients work with me, it's about entering a partnership where we focus on their unique needs. I use body temperature and pulse as feedback mechanisms to tailor a plan that resonates with their body. Sustainability is more important than temporary weight loss – it's about creating a lifestyle change that can be maintained in the long term.

Could you share a transformation story from your clients?

Jared T.: Sure. One notable client story is of a man in his thirties who was in a severe car accident and faced the prospect of hip surgery. Through our work together, focusing on his digestion and overall health, he made such remarkable improvements that he was able to cancel the surgery and eventually return to sprinting, something he never thought possible. Another client, struggling with IBS and weight gain, experienced a profound transformation through a nutrition and mobility program tailored to her needs. She ended up feeling more energetic, lost weight, and reclaimed a sense of well-being she hadn't felt in years.

For someone struggling with chronic pain or health issues, what first steps would you recommend?

Jared T.: The very first step is to slow down and take stock of their life. It’s about introspecting on how they got to where they are, and understanding the role of their past experiences in their current state of health. Recognizing that the body is always working in our favor is crucial. It’s about not seeing the body as an adversary but as a partner in the journey to health.

What can clients expect when working with you?

Jared T.: Clients embarking on a journey with me can expect a comprehensive process of self-discovery and lifestyle change. I emphasize educating clients about their nervous system and guiding them through necessary personal changes. They can expect dedicated support and a tailored approach to health that goes beyond surface-level solutions.

What do you find most rewarding about your work?

Jared T.: The most rewarding aspect for me is the teaching component. Breaking down complex health concepts into understandable, relatable information is incredibly fulfilling. It's about empowering people with knowledge, so they feel confident in managing their health and well-being.

Do you have a personal mantra or piece of advice that keeps you motivated?

Jared T.: My guiding principle revolves around the concept of freedom – the freedom to live life fully and on my terms. It's about appreciating and embracing the beauty and opportunities life offers. Keeping this perspective helps me stay motivated and focused.

Lastly, are there any additional services you offer?

Jared T.: In addition to online nutrition coaching and an eight-week program, I offer a workout mobility practice focusing on comprehensive strength and flexibility. For clients in the Los Angeles area, I also provide metabolic testing to further personalize their health plans.

Jared Tavasolian's insights remind us that true health is multi-faceted, involving a blend of physical, emotional, and mental well-being. His approach, grounded in years of experience and a deep understanding of holistic health, offers a path forward for those seeking to enhance their wellness journey, with proven results. 

For readers who find resonance with Jared’s methods and wish to explore personalized health coaching, he is available for consultations via the Gini platform and app. It’s time to take a transformative step in your journey towards a healthier, more balanced lifestyle!

Don't forget to stay tuned to our blog for more insightful conversations and expert advice on health, wellness, and living your best life.

health coach mastering mind and body for fitness, health, wellbeing and weight loss.

Navigating the complex landscape of health and wellness requires more than just surface-level solutions. That's why we sat down with Jared Tavasolian, a distinguished health coach who brings a depth of understanding to the field. With a background that spans from personal training to holistic health coaching, Jared's insights offer a much-needed perspective in an industry often overwhelmed with contradictory advice. His approach is not just about achieving fitness goals but encompasses a comprehensive understanding of how emotional and mental health intertwines with physical well-being. In this interview, Jared opens up about his methodology, offering practical and insightful guidance for anyone seeking a more rounded approach to health.

Could you start by telling us about your background and experience as a health coach?

Jared T.: I began as a personal trainer, and through my journey, I realized a crucial aspect – being physically fit doesn't necessarily mean being healthy. At 18, I did the Iron Man in California, a feat of strength and endurance, yet I struggled with health issues, especially digestive problems. This discrepancy led me to understand the difference between external fitness and internal health. Between ages 18 to 28, my focus shifted to learning about holistic health, not just looking fit but feeling good internally. As a health coach, I've seen many people in the fitness industry grapple with this same issue – their physical appearance doesn't align with how they feel inside. My goal is to help bridge this gap, educating people about the importance of overall health, not just physical fitness.

What inspired you to become a health coach?

Jared T.: The main driver was the confusion and disempowerment I observed in western medicine. I wanted to create a space where health was demystified and made accessible, where people felt empowered to take control of their health journey. The goal was to offer a simpler understanding of health, as I believe simplicity leads to better comprehension and empowerment.

Can you elaborate on your coaching philosophy?

Jared T.: Absolutely. My philosophy centers around simplicity and self-empowerment in healing. I've noticed a common trend where individuals look for external solutions to their health issues. Instead, I focus on fostering self-awareness and encouraging internal healing processes. Drawing inspiration from experts like Gabor Mate, I emphasize emotional health and the importance of reconnecting with one's own body. It’s about understanding that health is an ongoing journey, and self-awareness is key to adapting to our changing needs.

How do you define self-awareness in this context, and how can one cultivate it?

Jared T.: Self-awareness, to me, is the ability to recognize and understand one’s feelings and the signals our bodies give us. It's an essential component of maintaining health, as it's always evolving based on our daily needs and experiences. In today’s fast-paced world, people often lose touch with this internal connection, getting caught up in routines and neglecting their own well-being. Cultivating self-awareness requires slowing down, paying attention to how we feel, and understanding the underlying needs these feelings indicate.


What are your thoughts on the traditional wellness industry, and how does your approach differ?

Jared T.: The wellness industry, much like Western medicine, often leans towards quick fixes – supplements, generic diets, and one-size-fits-all solutions. These approaches fail to address the individual's lifestyle and unique circumstances. My approach differs in that it's about changing the environment that contributed to the illness in the first place. It emphasizes understanding the whole picture – the nervous system, daily habits, and personal life circumstances – and tailoring solutions to fit the individual.

Can you discuss common mental health struggles that impede physical health?

Jared T.: One of the biggest issues I see is the failure to take personal time and maintain boundaries. People are inundated with a barrage of health routines and feel pressured to do more, leading to overwhelm. The key isn't adding more to one's plate but recognizing moments of overwhelm and stepping back to allow space for healing. The health industry has, in many ways, overcomplicated what it means to be healthy.

In the face of the constant conflicting nutritional advice that we’re bombarded with online, how do you guide your clients?

Jared T.: The first step I recommend is disconnecting from the maze of conflicting nutritional information. When clients work with me, it's about entering a partnership where we focus on their unique needs. I use body temperature and pulse as feedback mechanisms to tailor a plan that resonates with their body. Sustainability is more important than temporary weight loss – it's about creating a lifestyle change that can be maintained in the long term.

Could you share a transformation story from your clients?

Jared T.: Sure. One notable client story is of a man in his thirties who was in a severe car accident and faced the prospect of hip surgery. Through our work together, focusing on his digestion and overall health, he made such remarkable improvements that he was able to cancel the surgery and eventually return to sprinting, something he never thought possible. Another client, struggling with IBS and weight gain, experienced a profound transformation through a nutrition and mobility program tailored to her needs. She ended up feeling more energetic, lost weight, and reclaimed a sense of well-being she hadn't felt in years.

For someone struggling with chronic pain or health issues, what first steps would you recommend?

Jared T.: The very first step is to slow down and take stock of their life. It’s about introspecting on how they got to where they are, and understanding the role of their past experiences in their current state of health. Recognizing that the body is always working in our favor is crucial. It’s about not seeing the body as an adversary but as a partner in the journey to health.

What can clients expect when working with you?

Jared T.: Clients embarking on a journey with me can expect a comprehensive process of self-discovery and lifestyle change. I emphasize educating clients about their nervous system and guiding them through necessary personal changes. They can expect dedicated support and a tailored approach to health that goes beyond surface-level solutions.

What do you find most rewarding about your work?

Jared T.: The most rewarding aspect for me is the teaching component. Breaking down complex health concepts into understandable, relatable information is incredibly fulfilling. It's about empowering people with knowledge, so they feel confident in managing their health and well-being.

Do you have a personal mantra or piece of advice that keeps you motivated?

Jared T.: My guiding principle revolves around the concept of freedom – the freedom to live life fully and on my terms. It's about appreciating and embracing the beauty and opportunities life offers. Keeping this perspective helps me stay motivated and focused.

Lastly, are there any additional services you offer?

Jared T.: In addition to online nutrition coaching and an eight-week program, I offer a workout mobility practice focusing on comprehensive strength and flexibility. For clients in the Los Angeles area, I also provide metabolic testing to further personalize their health plans.

Jared Tavasolian's insights remind us that true health is multi-faceted, involving a blend of physical, emotional, and mental well-being. His approach, grounded in years of experience and a deep understanding of holistic health, offers a path forward for those seeking to enhance their wellness journey, with proven results. 

For readers who find resonance with Jared’s methods and wish to explore personalized health coaching, he is available for consultations via the Gini platform and app. It’s time to take a transformative step in your journey towards a healthier, more balanced lifestyle!

Don't forget to stay tuned to our blog for more insightful conversations and expert advice on health, wellness, and living your best life.

Nikita Alvaro
Nikita Alvaro

Nikita Alvaro
Nikita Alvaro

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