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Social Media Marketing And Branding 2021 Latest Guide

Your brand is grounded and social media  marketing is always in motion

It's a time of confusion in social media marketing and the branding world. 

There are so many marketing options these days; it’s no wonder that companies are feeling intimidated by making decisions. 

In the past decade, most brands heralded the arrival of a new golden age of branding- but this is not how things have turned out. 

The rise of Facebook and YouTube, among other social media platforms, has made brand building an even more difficult task than before.


As marketing catches up with the internet, it's become more and more challenging figuring out what will stick. Viral videos and memes are all the rage- they're fun, catchy, and easy to produce- but only a select few make their way into our subconscious. 

Buzz is fleeting, while form factor becomes secondary when your audience is glued to the screen all day long. Even though some of these methods have had little payoff so far, experimentation will continue until success is found.

We're entering a new era of social media marketing and branding. 

Gone are the days when we were able to simply reach out to consumers via traditional media, like TV ads or newspaper articles. 

Nowadays, customers have gotten savvier than ever before, and they've realized that advertising is not always impartial information - it's coming from companies with their own agendas. 


However, this doesn't mean that your company should give up on the idea of doing any advertising whatsoever! Instead, you need to adapt to stay relevant in today's digital world. 

This means embracing social media marketing techniques like branded content - telling great stories about your product and connecting with consumers directly through platforms such as Facebook and Twitter."

In recent years, there has been an increase in new businesses trying to reach their customers on Facebook and Twitter sites. 

However, very few of these brands have generated any meaningful interest among consumers online. Simultaneously, some even seem to be getting less significant, with social media sites becoming more popular than ever before.

So what makes brands successful? 


That's easy: being culturally relevant. 

But how do you achieve that, though? 

Brands use branding techniques to make themselves culturally relevant by generating a ton of hype through social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram, for instance! 

But don't forget about all the ways digital technologies have changed the game as well; now, there is a constant influx of new social networks popping up.

Crowd culture has changed the way brands are marketed. 

Innovators of culture can now do their work in public, where they are seen by millions of people every day. 

We need to understand crowd culture if we want to know why some branded-content strategies have not worked and what social media will empower new branding techniques.

Crowd Culture Is A Thing

If you look at the history of innovation, it always starts in the margins. 

But nowadays, thanks to social media, those ideas can go viral and become mainstream. It's just like when people used to use television companies as intermediaries for new ideas. 

We don't need a company or a mass media outlet to do that because they're already there on our screens with social media.

Social media has increased the pace and intensity of collaboration. 

Now that these communities are densely networked, their cultural influence has become direct and substantial.

The world is changing fast. 

There are new crowds of people forming all the time - they're called "crowd cultures." 


They come in two different types: 

Subcultures and Art Worlds. Subcultures have their roots deep down below society's surface, where people form a cultural identity around shared beliefs or values.

But Art Worlds bring you things like movies that make your head spin!

Amplified Subcultures

You might not realize it, but many types of subcultures have sprung up in the past few decades. 

For example, some love espresso and collect all sorts of coffee paraphernalia, while others spend their time trying to understand the economics behind America's demise. Still, other people adore Victorian novels or even arts-and-crafts furniture made by hand. 

There is a diversity in hobbies out there.

Imagine you're just sitting there on your couch browsing through social media when suddenly you see something fascinating that catches your eye. 

You don't have to think twice about it because, with a few clicks of the mouse, you can jump into the center of any subculture and experience intensive interactions among members who are pushing forward new ideas, products, practices, and aesthetics. 

People will bypass gatekeepers in popular culture and get their taste straight from the source for once!

Social Media Marketing and Branding Misconception


Don't you want to be successful? 

Well, then don't make the same mistakes that other businesses have made. 

One of the biggest things we see is people who are not focusing on what's important. They're risking their business, and they probably won't succeed. 

So how do you avoid these errors in judgment? 

It's simple: forget about these three myths!

Become Social Media Rock Star Tomorrow Morning

It's all too common these days - people want their content to go viral, and they want it now. 

They don't bother with gradual growth or even engagement; instead, they're focused on getting as many votes or likes as possible in a short amount of time. 

But that's a mistake.

So how are you supposed to do it?

You can't be a social media influencer just by snapping some selfies on Instagram or posting an occasional Facebook status. 

I mean, there's literally no way of getting hundreds of thousands of followers in a few weeks. 

And even if you did, it would be unethical because you'll end up interacting with the wrong people.

Don't stress over getting followers on social media. Rather, take the time to build a real relationship with your target audience by using social media as a tool. 

You'll be glad you did in the long run because it will make your brand look more trustworthy. 

Flood The Networks To Enhance Your Social Media Branding

Your success on social media relies heavily on your focus. 

If you're focused in the wrong direction, you might send an irrelevant message to your audience or, worse, not reach them at all. 

Besides that, if you have limited time to spend on social media, it's essential to use what time you have wisely to return on your time investment.

Sometimes, the best way to really connect with your audience is by staying on one social media platform. 

That means you need to be active and post regularly if you want people to know about your company’s going on. Otherwise, it can work against you because each network has a different set of users that actually interact with each other. 

For example, instead of posting on Snapchat or TikTok when you're running a B2B company (and not getting any response), try spending some time building up followers on Twitter or engaging on LinkedIn.

The key with social media branding is to not spread yourself too thin.

Only A Million Followers for Brand Building Via Social Media Will Work

I'm not saying that you shouldn't want any followers at all because then people wouldn't know about the cool things you're doing! 

It's just essential for businesses to remember that their primary goal should be building a connection with customers and prospects instead of focusing on numbers.

It's true; your brand's popularity won't shoot up overnight on social media. 


But fret not over vanity metrics like follower count: what really matters is building a loyal and dedicated following. 

Your following size doesn't really matter as much as the quality - just know that having more followers will fetch you more business.

As a marketer, you need to keep in mind that these people should genuinely recognize and like your brand. 

One of the critical advantages of having a laser-focused following is that your content is seen by only those followers who genuinely like and trust your brand. This way, you wouldn’t be crafting content that's uninteresting or boring. 

But rather something highly relevant.

Social Media Branding =“A Set it and Leave it type of situation”

The key to being seen as an influencer in your industry is by having a strong social media presence.

If you want people to see your brand’s professional side, then you need to be active on social media and showcase what it's all about. You want them to think that this is a brand that cares by being responsive in every way possible- so it might not hurt for you to post more often!

Social Media is a great way to give back and interact with the people who matter most. 

You need to be on social media posting pics of your business, interacting with customers and prospects - even if it means just acknowledging them by liking or commenting on their post. 

The indirect effect of being active in social media is that you'll see an increase in leads coming from there. With every post that you share or comment, people are taking the time to voice their concerns. 

They might just be sharing thoughts or opinions too. 

That’s why it’s important to thank them for their input and show them how much you care by getting back to them with a reply. 

After all, if they see that you don't respond, it could lead them to think something is wrong! It's easy for people to take the wrong impression when they see someone inactive on social media.

4 reasons Why Social Media Is Tied To Engagement For The Long Haul

1. Lack of organic reach and little referral traffic

Social media used to be a viable channel for traffic, but recently organic reach has been so low that social media is becoming less and less of an option. 

Businesses are reaching fewer people on social media and getting less traffic from those channels, which means it's no longer the best way to spread your message. 

Even publishers who use sites like Facebook heavily aren't getting much in terms of referrals anymore because they're only reaching a fraction of their audience.

2. Social messaging and chatbots here they come


Do you know how you can't help but scroll through your feed or get distracted by a notification? 

It's not just you - people are using social media less and messaging apps more. 

According to Business Insider, more people are using four popular messaging apps than four major social media platforms.

The Four Social Media Platforms:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Snapchat

The Four Messaging Apps: 

  • WhatsApp
  • WeChat
  • Line
  • KakaoTalk

Social media is changing, and you may not be aware. 

You know, when someone would go on Facebook or Twitter, they usually just used it to look at what people were posting. 

But now that there are all these new social messaging apps like WhatsApp and Snapchat, people are using them a lot more to send messages back and forth with each other instead of scrolling their feed. 

They're also using them for one-on-one conversations instead of public posts, too!

A lot of people are turning to social media for customer support, and many businesses have even begun using it as a means of interacting with their customers. People like the Twitter chat feature because it's easy to use, and you don't need an account. 

You can also get some good information or order products through Messenger chatbots if your business has one set up!

You know there's a lot of pressure on businesses to provide quality content to keep their customers. There's also an opportunity for them to do something meaningful and get closer with their customer base. 

If they're not trying, then no one will be able to tell if they have any worthwhile thoughts or material at all.

3. People use social media to reach brands

The time it takes for brands to respond has been on the rise recently, with consumers reaching out via social media at an unprecedented rate. 

A study conducted by Sprout Social found that when customers reached out through social channels like Facebook or Twitter-the average number of messages that needed responses had increased by 18%.

With Sprout Social's research, there are plenty of benefits to interacting with customers on social media. Customers that you're responsive to on social media are more likely to buy from you while ignoring customers can lead them not to feel so loyal anymore.

It's tempting to leave your social media posts as-is, but you have to be there and help out when your customers need it.

4. Algorithms prioritize love engagement. It's True!!


You're not just engaging your customers with customer service and one-on-one conversations. 

You should also be thinking about the quality of your content. Is it engaging enough to elicit positive responses from your fans?

Social media algorithms want to make sure their users are seeing what they think is most interesting and helpful for them. If users engage with your post, social media algorithms will take it as a sign that your post is good or at least interesting enough to share with other people.

You should make your posts as interactive as possible because you'll get more traffic, leads, and conversions. 

Socialbakers studied 30,000 Facebook posts by over 2,700 businesses and found that the more interactions a Page has, the higher the traffic to its website.

Using Social Media Branding Strategies To Hug And Support Your Audience

Social media is becoming more and more competitive. 

Companies are struggling to make themselves stand out in the flood of new social media profiles. You can set yourself apart by sticking with a single brand identity that your followers will know and love you for. 

Putting effort into branding strategies such as social marketing campaigns or utilizing influencer partnerships will help grow your customer base too!

Influencer Marketing

So you're thinking about expanding your social media following? 

Influencer marketing is the next step in an innovative brand strategy. 

For example, if you want to appeal to younger audiences, find an influencer who closely aligns with that target image and get them to promote your account. 

Don't forget to research what kind of content they like posting before giving them any money, though.

1. Connect with Influencers.

Identifying influencers is half the battle when it comes to executing an influencer marketing campaign. 

Of course, they have to be reputable people with large audiences that are active and engaged. It's interesting, though, because some studies show that average engagement rates on Twitter are around 1-2% these days. 

So if you can find someone who has a higher than average engagement rate, then go for it!

The next step is finding someone who matches the criteria you're looking for. 

You can start by following them on their main social channels, interacting with what they post, and sharing their content. 

Once you've built a rapport with this person, pitch your campaign that'll develop your brand's image while benefiting the influencer.

2. Let the Influencer run the show.

It's pretty neat that you can get an influencer to run your social channels for a day, and it'll entice their followers to follow you. Plus, that’ll give them another avenue to showcase 'em wit and knowledge!

Consistent Messaging


Social media is a powerful tool for brands looking to build their following. 

One of the most important things you can do as a company is come up with what your theme will be and stick to that theme by sending consistent messages through text and visuals over time. 

For example, if we were starting our company on Facebook today, we would probably have an idea about what kind of product or service we would offer customers (i.e., clothing). 

Maybe it’s shirts, maybe hats- whatever! 

Themes are all about consistency in messaging across different channels, so people know what they'll get from us when they visit our page or see one of our ads.

1. Optimize, Optimize, Optimize and OPTIMIZE!!

Why not give your online persona the best chance at getting found by potential customers? 

Make sure to create a profile that accurately reflects what you have to offer while including keywords that make it easy for people with related interests to find. 

If someone is seriously interested in your business, provide an alternate contact method, so they can get in touch with you without having to wade through all of the social media noise.

If you're running a business with an online presence, then you need to make sure that those places are branded with your company logo. 

It might seem like something small, but we want customers to recognize us - so don't just go changing whatever without thinking about how they'll see our work!

2. Curate your voice from your audience

It's essential to establish a voice that is unique and identifiable. 

It should be your own, not generic or repeating of the feeds you follow. 

Not only does it make things more interesting for those who are following your page, but it can also help build connections with target audiences by speaking in a tone that they'll respond to better.

3. Be Consistent with that voice and your topics

Building a connection with your audience is all about staying authentic. 

If you're constantly changing up what you post, it will seem like you don't have an identity or any real purpose-- which can lead to less engagement and even annoyance from readers if they feel that way! 

Sticking to your niche topics will also help connect your brand’s voice and keep people coming back for more.

4. Post regularly.

Do you know how people say that you should post more often on social media to keep your audience engaged? 

Well, it's not just a myth. 

Social media can be a great way to build an audience, but if they don't see your posts regularly, then they won't remember who you are and what you're all about. Posting frequency depends on the activity of your audience, and how engaged they get with each post.

5. Embrace visuals.

Social media branding is all about influencing your audience and making them remember you. 

But if you post irregularly, your updates won't show up on their feed, which can be problematic for your trying work. Posting frequency depends on how active your audience or followers are and how they engage with your post. 

For example, if tweeting in the morning gets more replies than when I tweet at night, it means that posting in the mornings will get me better results!

Ongoing Analysis


Social media is a lot like any other marketing activity--you have to make sure it's working. Otherwise, you're left in the dark about how well (or not) you're performing.

The worst case is - you put so much time and money into strategies that just wind up not working out.

Best case scenario- You should just focus on strategies that are effective at establishing a brand identity. You don't need to worry about all of this other data because it's not going to help you establish your identity any faster.

1. Project Overwatch

There's nothing worse than missing an opportunity to build your brand identity. 

Luckily, there are some clever ways you can make sure that doesn't happen. You can keep tabs on industry-related keywords and have a conversation with those who post about your company without even tagging you or misspelling your handle. 

If you want to find out what people are saying about you, this is the best way!

You know you're doing something right when people are contacting you on social media. It means that your brand is resonating, and it opens opportunities for resolving issues or answering questions. 

Whether your company has a positive or negative image in the public eye, these interactions can help to shape the way others see your business.

2. Are you growing?

You can measure social statistics and see if they are reaching the right people. 

It is important to know that not enough users search for or view posts with specific hashtags.

You may also find out that ads you have purchased on Facebook and other sites aren't getting seen by the target audience.

You may not be spreading your brand's word fast enough. 

By monitoring social tactics either manually or with a tool, you can tell if it's worth changing strategies to better promote your brand’s recognition among prospects.

Leaving on this note


Don't post on social media solely for the sake of getting more engagement; that's what takes away from developing a strong brand image. 

Instead, think about how your actions can support branding goals while simultaneously shaping your interactive relationships with consumers.

If you work to build an exceptional reputation that resonates with your target audience, the shares and followers will come.

Your brand is grounded and social media  marketing is always in motion

It's a time of confusion in social media marketing and the branding world. 

There are so many marketing options these days; it’s no wonder that companies are feeling intimidated by making decisions. 

In the past decade, most brands heralded the arrival of a new golden age of branding- but this is not how things have turned out. 

The rise of Facebook and YouTube, among other social media platforms, has made brand building an even more difficult task than before.


As marketing catches up with the internet, it's become more and more challenging figuring out what will stick. Viral videos and memes are all the rage- they're fun, catchy, and easy to produce- but only a select few make their way into our subconscious. 

Buzz is fleeting, while form factor becomes secondary when your audience is glued to the screen all day long. Even though some of these methods have had little payoff so far, experimentation will continue until success is found.

We're entering a new era of social media marketing and branding. 

Gone are the days when we were able to simply reach out to consumers via traditional media, like TV ads or newspaper articles. 

Nowadays, customers have gotten savvier than ever before, and they've realized that advertising is not always impartial information - it's coming from companies with their own agendas. 


However, this doesn't mean that your company should give up on the idea of doing any advertising whatsoever! Instead, you need to adapt to stay relevant in today's digital world. 

This means embracing social media marketing techniques like branded content - telling great stories about your product and connecting with consumers directly through platforms such as Facebook and Twitter."

In recent years, there has been an increase in new businesses trying to reach their customers on Facebook and Twitter sites. 

However, very few of these brands have generated any meaningful interest among consumers online. Simultaneously, some even seem to be getting less significant, with social media sites becoming more popular than ever before.

So what makes brands successful? 


That's easy: being culturally relevant. 

But how do you achieve that, though? 

Brands use branding techniques to make themselves culturally relevant by generating a ton of hype through social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram, for instance! 

But don't forget about all the ways digital technologies have changed the game as well; now, there is a constant influx of new social networks popping up.

Crowd culture has changed the way brands are marketed. 

Innovators of culture can now do their work in public, where they are seen by millions of people every day. 

We need to understand crowd culture if we want to know why some branded-content strategies have not worked and what social media will empower new branding techniques.

Crowd Culture Is A Thing

If you look at the history of innovation, it always starts in the margins. 

But nowadays, thanks to social media, those ideas can go viral and become mainstream. It's just like when people used to use television companies as intermediaries for new ideas. 

We don't need a company or a mass media outlet to do that because they're already there on our screens with social media.

Social media has increased the pace and intensity of collaboration. 

Now that these communities are densely networked, their cultural influence has become direct and substantial.

The world is changing fast. 

There are new crowds of people forming all the time - they're called "crowd cultures." 


They come in two different types: 

Subcultures and Art Worlds. Subcultures have their roots deep down below society's surface, where people form a cultural identity around shared beliefs or values.

But Art Worlds bring you things like movies that make your head spin!

Amplified Subcultures

You might not realize it, but many types of subcultures have sprung up in the past few decades. 

For example, some love espresso and collect all sorts of coffee paraphernalia, while others spend their time trying to understand the economics behind America's demise. Still, other people adore Victorian novels or even arts-and-crafts furniture made by hand. 

There is a diversity in hobbies out there.

Imagine you're just sitting there on your couch browsing through social media when suddenly you see something fascinating that catches your eye. 

You don't have to think twice about it because, with a few clicks of the mouse, you can jump into the center of any subculture and experience intensive interactions among members who are pushing forward new ideas, products, practices, and aesthetics. 

People will bypass gatekeepers in popular culture and get their taste straight from the source for once!

Social Media Marketing and Branding Misconception


Don't you want to be successful? 

Well, then don't make the same mistakes that other businesses have made. 

One of the biggest things we see is people who are not focusing on what's important. They're risking their business, and they probably won't succeed. 

So how do you avoid these errors in judgment? 

It's simple: forget about these three myths!

Become Social Media Rock Star Tomorrow Morning

It's all too common these days - people want their content to go viral, and they want it now. 

They don't bother with gradual growth or even engagement; instead, they're focused on getting as many votes or likes as possible in a short amount of time. 

But that's a mistake.

So how are you supposed to do it?

You can't be a social media influencer just by snapping some selfies on Instagram or posting an occasional Facebook status. 

I mean, there's literally no way of getting hundreds of thousands of followers in a few weeks. 

And even if you did, it would be unethical because you'll end up interacting with the wrong people.

Don't stress over getting followers on social media. Rather, take the time to build a real relationship with your target audience by using social media as a tool. 

You'll be glad you did in the long run because it will make your brand look more trustworthy. 

Flood The Networks To Enhance Your Social Media Branding

Your success on social media relies heavily on your focus. 

If you're focused in the wrong direction, you might send an irrelevant message to your audience or, worse, not reach them at all. 

Besides that, if you have limited time to spend on social media, it's essential to use what time you have wisely to return on your time investment.

Sometimes, the best way to really connect with your audience is by staying on one social media platform. 

That means you need to be active and post regularly if you want people to know about your company’s going on. Otherwise, it can work against you because each network has a different set of users that actually interact with each other. 

For example, instead of posting on Snapchat or TikTok when you're running a B2B company (and not getting any response), try spending some time building up followers on Twitter or engaging on LinkedIn.

The key with social media branding is to not spread yourself too thin.

Only A Million Followers for Brand Building Via Social Media Will Work

I'm not saying that you shouldn't want any followers at all because then people wouldn't know about the cool things you're doing! 

It's just essential for businesses to remember that their primary goal should be building a connection with customers and prospects instead of focusing on numbers.

It's true; your brand's popularity won't shoot up overnight on social media. 


But fret not over vanity metrics like follower count: what really matters is building a loyal and dedicated following. 

Your following size doesn't really matter as much as the quality - just know that having more followers will fetch you more business.

As a marketer, you need to keep in mind that these people should genuinely recognize and like your brand. 

One of the critical advantages of having a laser-focused following is that your content is seen by only those followers who genuinely like and trust your brand. This way, you wouldn’t be crafting content that's uninteresting or boring. 

But rather something highly relevant.

Social Media Branding =“A Set it and Leave it type of situation”

The key to being seen as an influencer in your industry is by having a strong social media presence.

If you want people to see your brand’s professional side, then you need to be active on social media and showcase what it's all about. You want them to think that this is a brand that cares by being responsive in every way possible- so it might not hurt for you to post more often!

Social Media is a great way to give back and interact with the people who matter most. 

You need to be on social media posting pics of your business, interacting with customers and prospects - even if it means just acknowledging them by liking or commenting on their post. 

The indirect effect of being active in social media is that you'll see an increase in leads coming from there. With every post that you share or comment, people are taking the time to voice their concerns. 

They might just be sharing thoughts or opinions too. 

That’s why it’s important to thank them for their input and show them how much you care by getting back to them with a reply. 

After all, if they see that you don't respond, it could lead them to think something is wrong! It's easy for people to take the wrong impression when they see someone inactive on social media.

4 reasons Why Social Media Is Tied To Engagement For The Long Haul

1. Lack of organic reach and little referral traffic

Social media used to be a viable channel for traffic, but recently organic reach has been so low that social media is becoming less and less of an option. 

Businesses are reaching fewer people on social media and getting less traffic from those channels, which means it's no longer the best way to spread your message. 

Even publishers who use sites like Facebook heavily aren't getting much in terms of referrals anymore because they're only reaching a fraction of their audience.

2. Social messaging and chatbots here they come


Do you know how you can't help but scroll through your feed or get distracted by a notification? 

It's not just you - people are using social media less and messaging apps more. 

According to Business Insider, more people are using four popular messaging apps than four major social media platforms.

The Four Social Media Platforms:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Snapchat

The Four Messaging Apps: 

  • WhatsApp
  • WeChat
  • Line
  • KakaoTalk

Social media is changing, and you may not be aware. 

You know, when someone would go on Facebook or Twitter, they usually just used it to look at what people were posting. 

But now that there are all these new social messaging apps like WhatsApp and Snapchat, people are using them a lot more to send messages back and forth with each other instead of scrolling their feed. 

They're also using them for one-on-one conversations instead of public posts, too!

A lot of people are turning to social media for customer support, and many businesses have even begun using it as a means of interacting with their customers. People like the Twitter chat feature because it's easy to use, and you don't need an account. 

You can also get some good information or order products through Messenger chatbots if your business has one set up!

You know there's a lot of pressure on businesses to provide quality content to keep their customers. There's also an opportunity for them to do something meaningful and get closer with their customer base. 

If they're not trying, then no one will be able to tell if they have any worthwhile thoughts or material at all.

3. People use social media to reach brands

The time it takes for brands to respond has been on the rise recently, with consumers reaching out via social media at an unprecedented rate. 

A study conducted by Sprout Social found that when customers reached out through social channels like Facebook or Twitter-the average number of messages that needed responses had increased by 18%.

With Sprout Social's research, there are plenty of benefits to interacting with customers on social media. Customers that you're responsive to on social media are more likely to buy from you while ignoring customers can lead them not to feel so loyal anymore.

It's tempting to leave your social media posts as-is, but you have to be there and help out when your customers need it.

4. Algorithms prioritize love engagement. It's True!!


You're not just engaging your customers with customer service and one-on-one conversations. 

You should also be thinking about the quality of your content. Is it engaging enough to elicit positive responses from your fans?

Social media algorithms want to make sure their users are seeing what they think is most interesting and helpful for them. If users engage with your post, social media algorithms will take it as a sign that your post is good or at least interesting enough to share with other people.

You should make your posts as interactive as possible because you'll get more traffic, leads, and conversions. 

Socialbakers studied 30,000 Facebook posts by over 2,700 businesses and found that the more interactions a Page has, the higher the traffic to its website.

Using Social Media Branding Strategies To Hug And Support Your Audience

Social media is becoming more and more competitive. 

Companies are struggling to make themselves stand out in the flood of new social media profiles. You can set yourself apart by sticking with a single brand identity that your followers will know and love you for. 

Putting effort into branding strategies such as social marketing campaigns or utilizing influencer partnerships will help grow your customer base too!

Influencer Marketing

So you're thinking about expanding your social media following? 

Influencer marketing is the next step in an innovative brand strategy. 

For example, if you want to appeal to younger audiences, find an influencer who closely aligns with that target image and get them to promote your account. 

Don't forget to research what kind of content they like posting before giving them any money, though.

1. Connect with Influencers.

Identifying influencers is half the battle when it comes to executing an influencer marketing campaign. 

Of course, they have to be reputable people with large audiences that are active and engaged. It's interesting, though, because some studies show that average engagement rates on Twitter are around 1-2% these days. 

So if you can find someone who has a higher than average engagement rate, then go for it!

The next step is finding someone who matches the criteria you're looking for. 

You can start by following them on their main social channels, interacting with what they post, and sharing their content. 

Once you've built a rapport with this person, pitch your campaign that'll develop your brand's image while benefiting the influencer.

2. Let the Influencer run the show.

It's pretty neat that you can get an influencer to run your social channels for a day, and it'll entice their followers to follow you. Plus, that’ll give them another avenue to showcase 'em wit and knowledge!

Consistent Messaging


Social media is a powerful tool for brands looking to build their following. 

One of the most important things you can do as a company is come up with what your theme will be and stick to that theme by sending consistent messages through text and visuals over time. 

For example, if we were starting our company on Facebook today, we would probably have an idea about what kind of product or service we would offer customers (i.e., clothing). 

Maybe it’s shirts, maybe hats- whatever! 

Themes are all about consistency in messaging across different channels, so people know what they'll get from us when they visit our page or see one of our ads.

1. Optimize, Optimize, Optimize and OPTIMIZE!!

Why not give your online persona the best chance at getting found by potential customers? 

Make sure to create a profile that accurately reflects what you have to offer while including keywords that make it easy for people with related interests to find. 

If someone is seriously interested in your business, provide an alternate contact method, so they can get in touch with you without having to wade through all of the social media noise.

If you're running a business with an online presence, then you need to make sure that those places are branded with your company logo. 

It might seem like something small, but we want customers to recognize us - so don't just go changing whatever without thinking about how they'll see our work!

2. Curate your voice from your audience

It's essential to establish a voice that is unique and identifiable. 

It should be your own, not generic or repeating of the feeds you follow. 

Not only does it make things more interesting for those who are following your page, but it can also help build connections with target audiences by speaking in a tone that they'll respond to better.

3. Be Consistent with that voice and your topics

Building a connection with your audience is all about staying authentic. 

If you're constantly changing up what you post, it will seem like you don't have an identity or any real purpose-- which can lead to less engagement and even annoyance from readers if they feel that way! 

Sticking to your niche topics will also help connect your brand’s voice and keep people coming back for more.

4. Post regularly.

Do you know how people say that you should post more often on social media to keep your audience engaged? 

Well, it's not just a myth. 

Social media can be a great way to build an audience, but if they don't see your posts regularly, then they won't remember who you are and what you're all about. Posting frequency depends on the activity of your audience, and how engaged they get with each post.

5. Embrace visuals.

Social media branding is all about influencing your audience and making them remember you. 

But if you post irregularly, your updates won't show up on their feed, which can be problematic for your trying work. Posting frequency depends on how active your audience or followers are and how they engage with your post. 

For example, if tweeting in the morning gets more replies than when I tweet at night, it means that posting in the mornings will get me better results!

Ongoing Analysis


Social media is a lot like any other marketing activity--you have to make sure it's working. Otherwise, you're left in the dark about how well (or not) you're performing.

The worst case is - you put so much time and money into strategies that just wind up not working out.

Best case scenario- You should just focus on strategies that are effective at establishing a brand identity. You don't need to worry about all of this other data because it's not going to help you establish your identity any faster.

1. Project Overwatch

There's nothing worse than missing an opportunity to build your brand identity. 

Luckily, there are some clever ways you can make sure that doesn't happen. You can keep tabs on industry-related keywords and have a conversation with those who post about your company without even tagging you or misspelling your handle. 

If you want to find out what people are saying about you, this is the best way!

You know you're doing something right when people are contacting you on social media. It means that your brand is resonating, and it opens opportunities for resolving issues or answering questions. 

Whether your company has a positive or negative image in the public eye, these interactions can help to shape the way others see your business.

2. Are you growing?

You can measure social statistics and see if they are reaching the right people. 

It is important to know that not enough users search for or view posts with specific hashtags.

You may also find out that ads you have purchased on Facebook and other sites aren't getting seen by the target audience.

You may not be spreading your brand's word fast enough. 

By monitoring social tactics either manually or with a tool, you can tell if it's worth changing strategies to better promote your brand’s recognition among prospects.

Leaving on this note


Don't post on social media solely for the sake of getting more engagement; that's what takes away from developing a strong brand image. 

Instead, think about how your actions can support branding goals while simultaneously shaping your interactive relationships with consumers.

If you work to build an exceptional reputation that resonates with your target audience, the shares and followers will come.

Maurice Byrdsongs
Maurice Byrdsongs

Content Strategist at GINI where he manages all things Adapt and supports larger content initiatives. When he's not at work, you can find Maurice cheering for the Dodgers or rewatching "Avengers: Endgame" (again).

Maurice Byrdsongs
Maurice Byrdsongs

Content Strategist at GINI where he manages all things Adapt and supports larger content initiatives. When he's not at work, you can find Maurice cheering for the Dodgers or rewatching "Avengers: Endgame" (again).

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